Movies directed by toshiro-uratani

The Birth of "Princess Mononoke" Part 3: The Day The Record Was Broken

The Birth of "Princess Mononoke" Part 2: Life Has Been Breathed Into It!

The Making of "Tampopo"

Yasuo Ōtsuka's Joy in Motion

The Making of "A Taxing Woman's Return"

The Making of "A Taxing Woman"

Making of Daibyonin

The Birth of "Princess Mononoke" Part 1: A Drama on Paper

Great SFX Adventure: Take Me to 'Sweet Home'

The Making of "Minbo: the Gentle Art of Japanese Extortion"

Juzo Itami: The Man with 13 Faces

Shooting Film is Battleground: Making of BATTLE ROYALE

The Final Battleground — Making of Battle Royale II